5 Tips For Surviving (And Enjoying) A Wedding Show

5 Tips For Surviving (And Enjoying) A Wedding Show

Don’t be that girl.

Just don’t. It’s not worth it.

The girl who leaves the wedding fair with three bags full of pamphlets, sore feet, an information-induced headache, and five bored friends.

We see this all the time, when really, a wedding show should be a fun event. And it’s not hard to make it that way:

Have a Game Plan
Talk with your fiancé about what you might want to get out of the show, then you’ll know who you’re looking forand what to ask when you talk to them. You might even want to take the map of vendors and plan out who you want to see and when you want to see them. That’ll stop whoever you take getting bored too. Speaking of which…

Take Along Some Good Decision Makers
Ideally you want to take your fiancé with you because it’s just going to make decisions easier later on. It just is. But if they’re not willing, take along that person who you know will help you make good decisions (and stop you making bad, on-the-spot ones).

Take Breaks
If you don’t, you’ll be in a hurry for it all to end and resort to the snatch-and-grab tactic. That’s how you end up with three bags full of pamphlets that don’t mean anything to you. It’s a marathon, not a sprint…

Write Things Down
Because everyone’s memory sometimes likes to take a break at an inconvenient time. You don’t have to resort to Rory Gilmore levels of journalistic reporting. Just taking a few notes after you’ve talked to someone you liked (or didn’t…) can help jog your memory later.

Wear Something Comfortable
That outfit you have that simultaneously makes you look great AND feel comfortable. Wear that. It’ll save you carrying your heels at the two-and-a-half hour mark.